Your query returned 3 results.
- Closed-Form Matrices for Higher Order Tetrahedral Finite Elements,
S.E. McCaslin, P. Shiakolas, B. Dennis and K.L. Lawrence
Paper 286 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)
- Control of Expression Growth in Symbolic Processing of Finite Element Stiffness Matrices,
S.E. McCaslin, B. Dennis, P. Shiakolas and K.L. Lawrence
Paper 287 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)
- The Use of Symbolic Processing and Explicit Formulations in Computational Mechanics,
S.E. McCaslin, B.H. Dennis, P.S. Shiakolas, W.S. Chan, S. Nomura, B.P. Wang and K.L. Lawrence
pp. 83-102 from CTR, vol. 2, 2010