Your query returned 4 results.
- Automatic, cloud-independent, scalable Spark cluster
deployment in cloud,
E. Nagy, Á. Hajnal, I. Pintye and P. Kacsuk
Paper 6.26 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Orchestrating Federated Clouds by Occopus,
J. Kovacs, P. Kacsuk and Z. Farkas
Paper 3.14 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)
- Flowbster Workflow System for
P. Kacsuk, J. Kovacs and Z. Farkas
Chapter 7 from CSETS: 40, ISBN 978-1-874672-72-2 (2017)
- Towards a World Wide Grid: Integrating Service Grids and Desktop Grids,
P. Kacsuk
Chapter 4 from CSETS: 21, ISBN 978-1-874672-41-8 (2009)