Your query returned 3 results.
- Energy consumption evaluation of Blender's image
renderer in HPC environment,
M. Jaros, O. Vysocky, P. Strakos and M. Spetko
Paper 9.32 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Fine-grained application tuning on OpenPOWER HPC
L. Riha, A. Bartolini and O. Vysocky
Paper 9.33 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Evaluation of the HPC Applications Dynamic Behavior
in Terms of Energy Consumption,
O. Vysocky, M. Beseda, L. Riha, J. Zapletal, V. Nikl, M. Lysaght and V. Kannan
Paper 1.3 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)