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Your query returned 10 results.
- Towards a Mechanical Characterization of Manufacturing Defects of Thermoplastic Composites,
E. Barbarella, O. Allix, F. Daghia, T. Jollivet and J. Lamon
Paper 21.182 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- Newton-Krylov-Schur Method with a Nonlinear Localization: Parallel Implementation for Post-Buckling Analysis of Large Structures,
J. Hinojosa, O. Allix, P.-A. Guidault and Ph. Cresta
Paper 6 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- A Three-Scale Domain Decomposition Method for the Simulation of Delamination and Buckling Interaction in Composites,
K. Saavedra, O. Allix and P. Gosselet
Paper 10 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Extension of the LaTIn Framework for Multi-Scale Computation of Fluid-Structure Interaction,
E. Vergnault, O. Allix and S. Maison-Le-Poëc
Paper 43 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- Analysis of Dissipated Energy in Compression Failure by Microbuckling in CFRP: Application to Modelling Crash Absorbers,
J.M. Guimard, O. Allix, N. Pechnik and P. Thevenet
Paper 26 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- An Identification Strategy for Highly Corrupted Measurements in Non-Linear Transient Dynamics,
H.M. Nguyen, O. Allix and P. Feissel
Paper 233 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- A Damage Plasticity Bounded Rate Model for the Consistent Prediction of Ductile Failure,
G. Court, O. Allix and M. Mahé
Paper 285 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- Mesodynamics of a 3D C/C Composite under Shock Loading: a Dedicated Computational Multiscale Approach,
J. Sen Gupta, O. Allix, P.-A. Boucard, A. Fanget and P.-L. Héreil
Paper 39 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)
- A Micro-Macro Approach for Crack Propagation with Local Enrichment,
P.-A. Guidault, O. Allix, L. Champaney and J.-P. Navarr
Paper 199 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)
- An Inverse Identification Method from Dynamic Tests with Measurement Uncertainties,
P. Feissel, O. Allix and P. Thévenet
Paper 54 from CCP: 75, ISBN 0-948749-83-0 (2002)