Your query returned 4 results.
- A Case-based Reasoning Approach for Identifying Risks in Construction Projects,
Y. Tan, N.J. Smith and D.A. Bower
Paper 9 from CCP: 82, ISBN 1-905088-05-1 (2005)
- Case-Based Reasoning for Contractor Prequalification - A Feasibility Study,
S.T. Ng, N.J. Smith and R.M. Skitmore
Paper 4.3 from CCP: 35, ISBN 0-948749-37-7 (1995)
- Cost Modelling for the Economic Appraisal of Tubular Truss Design,
W.M.K. Tizani, G. Davies, T.J. McCarthy, D.A. Nethercot and N.J. Smith
Paper 1.9 from CCP: 27, ISBN 0-948749-29-6 (1994)
- Production Related Design of Heavy Steelwork Box Columns,
M.M.M. Zayyat, N.J. Smith and D.A. Nethercot
Paper 5.2 from CCP: 9/10, ISBN 0-948749-10-5 (1989)