Search results
Your query returned 7 results.
- Hybrid small size high performance computing
resource for medical image analysis,
L. Kovács, P. Strakos, M. Jaros, R. Kovács, A. Kovács-Sós,
T. Karasek and A. Hajdu
Paper 7.28 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Energy consumption evaluation of Blender's image
renderer in HPC environment,
M. Jaros, O. Vysocky, P. Strakos and M. Spetko
Paper 9.32 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Speed up of Volumetric Non-local Transform-Domain
P. Strakos, M. Jaros and T. Karasek
Paper 1.4 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)
- A Path-following Algorithm for Parallel Solving of the
Stokes Problem with the Stick-slip Boundary Condition,
M. Jarosova, R. Kucera and V. Satek
Paper 1.7 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)
- Parallelization of the Image Segmentation Algorithm for Intel Xeon Phi with Application in Medical Imaging,
P. Strakos, M. Jaros, T. Karasek, L. Riha, M. Jarosova, T. Kozubek, P. Vavra and T. Jonszta
Paper 1.7 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- A New Variant of the Path-Following Algorithm for the Parallel Solving of the Stokes Problem with Friction,
M. Jarosova, R. Kucera and V. Satek
Paper 1.11 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- The Hybrid Total FETI Method,
T. Brzobohatý, M. Jarošová, T. Kozubek, M. Menšík and A. Markopoulos
Paper 1.2 from CCP: 101, ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0 (2013)