- A Metal Forming Analysis Using the Point Collocation Method with a Boundary Layer of Finite Elements,
Y.M. Guo
Paper 196 from CCP: 84, ISBN 1-905088-11-6 (2006)
- A Solution to Rigid-Plastic Deformation Problems using the Hybrid Element Method,
Y.-M. Guo, Y. Yokouchi and K. Nakanishi
Paper 77 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)
- Axisymmetric Indentation Analyses by the Rigid-Plastic Domain-Boundary Element Method,
Y.-M. Guo and K. Nakanishi
Paper 3.4 from CCP: 66, ISBN 0-948749-68-7 (2000)
- Finite Element Models for the Analysis of Steel and Concrete in Construction,
M. Guo and C.K. Jolly
Paper 13.1 from CCP: 43, ISBN 0-948749-45-8 (1996)