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Your query returned 10 results.
- Sampling Techniques for Sequential Kriging Metamodels in Robust Design Optimisation,
F. Jurecka, M. Ganser and K.-U. Bletzinger
Paper 113 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)
- Dynamic Characteristics of Laminated Angle-Ply Noncircular Cylindrical Shells,
H.G. Patel, B.P. Patel, M. Ganapathi and M. Touratier
Paper 89 from CCP: 75, ISBN 0-948749-83-0 (2002)
- Post Buckling Analysis of Thermally Stressed Laminated Plates,
M. Ganapathi and M. Touratier
Paper 5.1 from CCP: 32, ISBN 0-948749-34-2 (1995)
- Neural Networks in Structural Preliminary Design,
M. Gan and X. Liu
Paper 11.4 from CCP: 13, ISBN 0-948749-15-6 (1991)
- A Component-Wise Approach in Structural Analysis,
E. Carrera, A. Pagani, M. Petrolo and E. Zappino
Chapter 4 from CSETS: 30, ISBN 978-1-874672-58-6 (2012)
- Ontology for Contract Negotiations in an Agent-based Grid Resource Management System,
M. Drozdowicz, K. Wasielewska, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, N. Attaoui, I. Lirkov, R. Olejnik, D. Petcu and C. Badica
Chapter 15 from CSETS: 27, ISBN 978-1-874672-53-1 (2011)
- Negotiations in an Agent-based Grid Resource Brokering System,
K. Wasielewska, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Drozdowicz, D. Petcu, C. Badica, N. Attaoui, I. Lirkov and R. Olejnik
Chapter 16 from CSETS: 27, ISBN 978-1-874672-53-1 (2011)
- Ontologies, Agents and the Grid: An Overview,
M. Drozdowicz, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, R. Olejnik, I. Lirkov, P. Telegin and M. Senobari
Chapter 7 from CSETS: 21, ISBN 978-1-874672-41-8 (2009)
- Resource Management in Grids: Overview and a discussion of a possible approach for an Agent-Based Middleware,
M. Senobari, M. Drozdowicz, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, R. Olejnik, I. Lirkov, P. Telegin and N.M. Charkari
Chapter 8 from CSETS: 21, ISBN 978-1-874672-41-8 (2009)
- Recent Developments in Metaheuristic Algorithms: A Review,
M.P. Saka and E. Dogan
pp. 31-78 from CTR, vol. 5, 2012