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Your query returned 16 results.
- Fibre Optic Rail Pad Sensor Based Wheel Flat Identification,
S.L. Zhang, C.G. Koh and K.S.C. Kuang
Paper 10.168 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Scalable Implementation of the Two-Dimensional Triangular Discrete Element Method on a GPU Platform,
L. Zhang, S.F. Quigley and A.H.C. Chan
Paper 26 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Creep-Generated Settlement of Canisters with Highly Radioactive Waste,
R. Pusch, L. Zhang, R. Adey and J. Kasbohm
Paper 174 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- Linear and Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Shell Elements with Rotational Degrees using the Quadrilateral Area Coordinates Method,
L. Kang and Q.L. Zhang
Paper 110 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)
- Form-Finding of a Cable Net Joined to Steel Trusses,
Q.L. Zhang and X.Q. Luo
Paper 154 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)
- Dynamic Analysis of Cable Domes,
J. Song and Q.L. Zhang
Paper 155 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)
- Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction for Wind-Induced Dynamic Response of a PVC Coated Fabric Sheet on a Renewable Advertisement Billboard,
Z.H. Liu, Q.L. Zhang and Y. Zhou
Paper 219 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)
- Numerical Simulation of the Stressed Skin Diaphragms,
Y. Liu and Q.L. Zhang
Paper 113 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- Analysis Methods for the Pretension Process of Flexible Cable-Strut Structures,
H.Z. Yang, J.M. Ding and Q.L. Zhang
Paper 101 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)
- Efficient Simulations of Conjugate Heat Transfer,
N. Zhang and L. Zhang
Paper 73 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)
- Numerical Method for Form Finding and Cutting Pattern of Membrane Structures,
Q.L. Zhang, L. Zhang, X.Q. Luo and J. Wang
Paper 6.3 from CCP: 71, ISBN 0-948749-73-3 (2000)
- Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics of Vehicle-Bridge Interaction,
Q.L. Zhang, A.C.W.M. Vrouwenvelder and J. Wardenier
Paper 7.1 from CCP: 71, ISBN 0-948749-73-3 (2000)
- Nonlinear Dynamic Stability Analysis of Cable Structures,
Q.-L. Zhang and U. Peil
Paper 14.1 from CCP: 43, ISBN 0-948749-45-8 (1996)
- Fuzzy Random Seismic Responses of a Prestressed Dual-Cable Roof Structure,
H. Guo and L. Zhang
Paper 16.3 from CCP: 7/8, ISBN 0-948749-07-5 (1987)
- Advances in Symbolic and Numerical Approaches
in Computational Mechanics,
D. Eyheramendy, S. Lejeunes, R. Saad and L. Zhang
Chapter 3 from CSETS: 35, ISBN 978-1-874672-65-4 (2014)
- Efficient Approximate Inverse Preconditioning Techniques for Reduced Systems on Parallel Computers,
K. Moriya, L. Zhang and T. Nodera
Chapter 8 from CSETS: 24, ISBN 978-1-874672-33-3 (2010)