Your query returned 5 results.
- Window Design and Lighting Control for Low Carbon Buildings,
H. Kim, H.J. Kong, J.D. Choi, J.T. Kim and G.Y. Yun
Paper 35 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)
- A Comparison of the Luminous Environment in a Modern House and a Traditional House in Korea,
E. Lim and J.T. Kim
Paper 38 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)
- Daylight and Energy Performance of a Light Pipe System in an Underground Carpark,
J.Y. Shin, G.Y. Yun and J.T. Kim
Paper 39 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)
- A Comparative Analysis of the Luminous Environment of School Classrooms with Different Orientations,
Y.J. Kim and J.T. Kim
Paper 40 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)
- Validation of a Sky Luminance Measurement System using the CIE Quality Control Test,
H.J. Kong and J.T. Kim
Paper 41 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)