Your query returned 3 results.
- CRH5 Cardan Shaft Condition Estimation from Gearbox Vibration,
C. Yi, J.H. Lin, T.D. Ruan, Y.X. Hu and Y.P. Li
Paper 25.310 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Pseudo Excitation Method for Seismic Random Vibration Analysis of Long-Span Structures,
J.H. Lin, Y.H. Zhang and Y. Zhao
Paper 212 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)
- Seismic Nonstationary Random Response of Multi-Supported Structures,
Y.H. Zhang, J.H. Lin and Y. Zhao
Paper 222 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)