Your query returned 5 results.
- The Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Flexural Capacity of Pre-Cast Composite Beams,
H.J. Ko, W.K. Hong, S.C. Park, G.T. Lim and J.H. Kim
Paper 3.29 from CCP: 100, ISBN 978-1-905088-55-3 (2012)
- A New Ball Balancer Model and its Application,
J.H. Kim, H.S. Seo, J.W. Chang and S.M. Jeon
Paper 81 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)
- Conceptual Layouts and Angles of DiaGrid for Building Frames using Topological Optimization,
D.K. Lee, J.H. Kim, I.H. Chang, U. Starossek and S.M. Shin
Paper 317 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Hybrid Mechanical-Neural Modelling Framework of Beam-to-Column Connections,
J.H. Kim, J. Ghaboussi and A.S. Elnashai
Paper 33 from CCP: 92, ISBN 978-1-905088-35-5 (2009)
- Finite Element Analysis Considering Slip Behaviour of Tendons,
H.G. Kwak and J.H. Kim
Paper 166 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)