Your query returned 3 results.
- A Discrete Element Method for Composite Material Modeling,
H. Haddad, W. Leclerc, N. Ferguen, M. Guessasma, E. Bellenger, C. Pélegris, V. Sciamanna, N. Maurye, M. Gonon, R. Takapara, M. Duquennoy, G. Martic, L. Seronveaux and C. Courtois
Paper 6.93 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- Non Smooth Contact Dynamics Approach for Cohesive Multi-Contact Systems,
H. Haddad, M. Guessasma and J. Fortin
Paper 222 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Statistical Modeling of Post-Heating Residual Strength for Portland Cement Concrete,
R.H. Haddad and A. Qudah
Paper 162 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)