- Modelling Fresh Concrete Flow through Reinforcing Bars with Computational Homogenization,
F. Kolarík, B. Patzák and J. Zeman
Paper 10.150 from CCP: 108, ISBN 978-1-905088-63-8 (2015)
- Multiscale Models for Flow in Heterogeneous Media
with Applications to Fresh Concrete,
B. Patzak, F. Kolarik and J. Zeman
Chapter 11 from CSETS: 35, ISBN 978-1-874672-65-4 (2014)
- Rheology and Simulation of Self Compacting Concrete Flow,
B. Patzák, L.N. Thrane and F. Kolarík
Chapter 2 from CSETS: 32, ISBN 978-1-874672-64-7 (2013)