- An Efficient Parallel Direct Solver for Finite Element Applications,
E. Anderheggen
Paper 9.6 from CCP: 68, ISBN 0-948749-70-9 (2000)
- Elasto-Plasticity with Polyhedral Yield Surfaces in the Element Nodal Force Space,
E. Anderheggen, G. Glanzer and P. Steffen
Paper 5.2 from CCP: 54, ISBN 0-948749-56-3 (1998)
- A Parallel Explicit Solver for Simulating Impact and Penetration of a Three-Dimensional Body into a Solid Substrate,
E. Anderheggen and J. Renau-Munoz
Paper 2.3 from CCP: 53, ISBN 0-948749-55-5 (1998)