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Your query returned 29 results.
- Mesh Topology Based Data Mapping between Simplex Finite Element Meshes,
D. Rypl
Paper 27.225 from CCP: 108, ISBN 978-1-905088-63-8 (2015)
- Parallelization of Topology Based Construction of Localization Map between Simplex Finite Element Meshes,
D. Rypl
Paper 5.41 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- Volume Conserving Smoothing of Triangular Meshes on Open Three-Dimensional Surfaces,
D. Rypl and J. Nerad
Paper 9.63 from CCP: 105, ISBN 978-1-905088-60-7 (2014)
- Towards Efficient Adaptive Structural Analysis in Engineering Design,
D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 34.205 from CCP: 102, ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7 (2013)
- Parallel Adaptive Structural Analysis for Practical Engineering,
D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 8.38 from CCP: 101, ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0 (2013)
- On the Design of a Parallel, Distributed Multi-Physics Integration Tool,
B. Patzák, D. Rypl and J. Kruis
Paper 1.3 from CCP: 100, ISBN 978-1-905088-55-3 (2012)
- Shape Optimization using Isogeometric Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization,
A. Pospíšilová, M. Lepš, D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 20.220 from CCP: 99, ISBN 978-1-905088-54-6 (2012)
- Comparison of Numerical Quadrature Schemes in Isogeometric Analysis,
D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 132 from CCP: 96, ISBN 978-1-905088-47-8 (2011)
- Parallelization of Isogeometric Analysis on Memory Distributed Computing Platforms,
D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 15 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Implementation of T-spline based Isogeometric Analysis within an Object Oriented Environment,
D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 70 from CCP: 94, ISBN 978-1-905088-41-6 (2010)
- Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Computations with Dynamic Load Balancing,
B. Patzák and D. Rypl
Paper 114 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)
- An Object Oriented Framework for Isogeometric Analysis,
D. Rypl and B. Patzák
Paper 277 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)
- A Framework for Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Computations with Dynamic Load Balancing,
B. Patzák and D. Rypl
Paper 31 from CCP: 90, ISBN 978-1-905088-29-4 (2009)
- Discretization of Multi-Phase Microstructures Using Recursive Subdivision and the Advancing Front Technique,
D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 53 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- Assessment of the Interfacial Transition Zone Percolation in Concrete,
D. Rypl
Paper 114 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)
- Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Beams with Hybrid Geometry,
L. Svoboda and D. Rypl
Paper 163 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007)
- Generation of Semi-Structured Meshes over Generalized Extruded Volumes,
D. Rypl
Paper 221 from CCP: 84, ISBN 1-905088-11-6 (2006)
- Triangulation of Three-Dimensional Aggregate Particles,
D. Rypl
Paper 271 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- A Hybrid Method for Triangulation of Three-Dimensional Domains,
D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 67 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)
- Triangulation of 3D Surfaces Described by Stereolithography Files,
D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 18 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)
- Adaptive Simulation of Materials with Quasi-Brittle Failure,
D. Rypl, B. Patzák and Z. Bittnar
Paper 59 from CCP: 77, ISBN 0-948749-89-X (2003)
- Triangulation of 3D Surfaces: From Parametric to Discrete Surfaces,
D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 12 from CCP: 76, ISBN 0-948749-86-5 (2002)
- Generation of All-Quadrilateral Meshes Using a Triangular Mesh Generator,
D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 91 from CCP: 73, ISBN 0-948749-77-6 (2001)
- Computational Aspects of Microplane Models and a Proposed Parallel Algorithm,
B. Patzák, J. Nemecek, D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 1.1 from CCP: 69, ISBN 0-948749-71-7 (2000)
- Using Heterogeneous Clusters of PCs for Parallel Computing,
Z. Bittnar, J. Kruis, J. Nemecek, B. Patzak and D. Rypl
Paper 9.1 from CCP: 68, ISBN 0-948749-70-9 (2000)
- Explicit Parallel Dynamics with Nonlocal Constitutive Models,
B. Patzak, D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 4.2 from CCP: 59, ISBN 0-948749-61-X (1999)
- Parallel Three-Dimensional Mesh Generator: Algorithms and Implementation,
D. Rypl and Z. Bittnar
Paper 1.1 from CCP: 57, ISBN 0-948749-59-8 (1999)
- Parallel and Distributed Computations for Structural Mechanics: A Review,
Z. Bittnar, J. Kruis, J. Nemecek, B. Patzák and D. Rypl
Chapter 9 from CSETS: 5, ISBN 1-874672-15-6 (2001)
- Parallel Finite Element Analysis in Engineering: State of the Art and New Trends,
B. Patzák, D. Rypl and J. Kruis
pp. 43-63 from CTR, vol. 7, 2013