- Experimental Characterisation and Multi-Physics Modelling of a Direct Bonded Interface,
N. Cocheteau, A. Maurel-Pantel, F. Lebon, I. Rosu, F. Mazerolle, S. Ait-Zaid, I. Savin De Larclause and Y. Salaun
Paper 6.91 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- On the Modelling of the Direct Bonding of Two Silicon Surfaces,
N. Cocheteau, F. Lebon, I. Rosu, A. Maurel, S. AitZaid and I. Savin DeLarclause
Paper 9.143 from CCP: 99, ISBN 978-1-905088-54-6 (2012)