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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 108
Edited by: J. Kruis, Y. Tsompanakis and B.H.V. Topping
Paper 1

Finite Element Modelling of a Prestressed Concrete Containment with a Steel Liner

P. Bily, J. Fladr and A. Kohoutkova

Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
P. Bily, J. Fladr, A. Kohoutkova, "Finite Element Modelling of a Prestressed Concrete Containment with a Steel Liner", in J. Kruis, Y. Tsompanakis, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 1, 2015. doi:10.4203/ccp.108.1
Keywords: containment, steel liner, finite element method, prestressed structure, sensitivity analysis, operation temperature, creep, shrinkage.

The analysis presented in this paper compares several models of one particular type of prestressed concrete containment. In each model, one of the geometrical, loading, material or finite element mesh parameters is modified and stresses and strains in given area are reviewed in the most important phases of the life cycle of the structure. Finally the results of all the models are evaluated. The analysis showed the importance of particular factors for the behavior of the finite element model of prestressed concrete containment with steel liner. It was proved that the presence of a steel liner and the operation temperature are crucial factors in all the construction stages and should never be omitted. Presence of rebars becomes more important in the later stages of the working life of the structure. Consideration of detailed a prestressing schedule is necessary when the early phase of the operation is to be investigated, the effect becomes less important with increasing age of the structure.

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