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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 77
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper 78

Dynamic Behaviour of Ballasted Railway Tracks: a Discrete/Continuous Approach

L. Ricci+*, V.H. Nguyen$*, K. Sab$, D. Duhamel$ and L. Schmitt*

+LMSGC, LCPC/ENPC/CNRS, Institut Navier, France
*Direction de la Recherche et de la Technologie, SNCF, France
$LAMI, ENPC/LCPC, Institut Navier, France

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
L. Ricci, V.H. Nguyen, K. Sab, D. Duhamel, L. Schmitt, "Dynamic Behaviour of Ballasted Railway Tracks: a Discrete/Continuous Approach", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 78, 2003. doi:10.4203/ccp.77.78
Keywords: ballast vibration, discrete/continuum model, dynamic railway track, Fourier transform, moving load.

Owing to the small number of grains in the vertical direction under the sleepers of a ballasted railway track, a discrete/continuous double-layered modelling is proposed: the ballast layer is a discrete 3D-lattice of interacting grains whereas the infinite underlayer is a continuum linear elastic medium (Figure 78.1).

The problem under consideration is the dynamic behaviour of this double layer under the action of a moving load.

Figure 78.1: The discrete/continuum halfspace under the action of a moving load.

Suiker and al.[4,5,6,7] have considered one 2D finite and discrete layer resting on a rigid support. Nguyen [3] has proposed a general continuous multilayer modelling with an undetermined layer's number. The ballast's modelling is based on the Lagrange's equations [2]: for that, we postulate a priori a formal distribution of ballast's grains on a simple cubic lattice ([1], Figure 78.1) and formal energy interactions between the nearest grains which depend only on their relative positions. For the discrete/continuous interaction, we consider that grains in contact with the underlayer are embedded in it: continuity of displacement and continuity of force.

The validations of this modelling consist in comparing an infinite discrete ballast's half-space to the analytical Boussinesq's result and to a continuum model. Second order Taylor approximations of the discrete equations are used to identify the discrete lattice parameter with those of a continuum linear elastic isotropic medium.

The influences of the following parameters are studied: the stiffness of the underlayer, the velocity of the moving load, the number of ballast's grains in the vertical direction. A comparison with the continuous modelling [3] will be provided for realistic moving loads.

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