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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 27
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis
Paper I.2

A Knowledge-Based System Approach to the Estimation of Structural Steelwork Mass

D.St.J. Fox and J.E. Butler

School of Civil Engineering, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
D.St.J. Fox, J.E. Butler, "A Knowledge-Based System Approach to the Estimation of Structural Steelwork Mass", in B.H.V. Topping, M. Papadrakakis, (Editors), "Artificial Intelligence and Object Oriented Approaches to Structural Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 9-13, 1994. doi:10.4203/ccp.27.1.2
A variety of steel roof truss configurations have been analysed, and relationships derived to estimate the total length of the truss members, in terms of the truss span. These relationships, when combined with estimates of the member section sizes, allow the overall truss mass to be estimated.

The above computations form part of a knowledge-based system (KBS) which is based on the reasoning performed by an experienced Demolition Estimator, when estimating the mass of structural steelwork in a steel roof truss system.

The reasoning strategy developed produces the most accurate estimate possible with the available data, allowing for the Demolition Estimator's visual and physical access restrictions to the structure under examination. These access restrictions limit the data available to the estimator when producing the quantity estimate, and so limit the data available to a knowledge-based system when attempting to carry out this task.

Missing data is handled by inferencing, by referring to a typical structure model, and by changing the level of reasoning.

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